Chiropractor in Encinitas, Encinitas Chiropractor,

Have you ever stepped off your surfboard in Encinitas only to feel the world keep spinning around you? Or perhaps you've woken up, turned your head on the pillow, and suddenly felt as if you're on a carousel? If these scenarios sound familiar, you might be among the many grappling with vertigo, particularly Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo (BPPV). This condition, affecting numerous people each year, can turn simple movements like nodding or rolling over in bed into a dizzying experience. It is also among the leading health concerns that patients complain about when they seek our Upper Cervical Chiropractor in Encinitas, Dr. Steven Keener.


What is BPPV? 

BPPV is characterized by sudden and intense vertigo spells, usually lasting one minute or less. Changing the position of your head, such as nodding, turning slightly, or lifting your chin, can bring on these debilitating episodes. Additionally, BPPV can occur when transitioning from lying down to sitting up or rolling over in bed. It often accompanies symptoms like nausea, dizziness, and abnormal eye movements, making it a profoundly disabling condition.

To learn more about the connection between head and neck injuries and vertigo, download our complimentary e-book by clicking the image below.

Why Do You Have BPPV?

BPPV typically indicates an issue in the inner ear, a crucial part of our balance and perception of movement. The inner ear contains tiny crystals that play a vital role in sensing motion during activities like walking, standing, or moving your head. When these crystals migrate to a different part of the inner ear, they disrupt the connection between the vestibular system and your brain, resulting in vertigo spells.


Can BPPV Go Away on Its Own?

Many people wonder if BPPV will resolve itself without intervention. In most cases, BPPV can disappear spontaneously, but the recovery timeline varies from person to person. According to research, BPPV can persist for days, weeks, months, or even years. If your BPPV resolves naturally, there's still a chance it may return.


Dealing with BPPV: Tips from Your Go-To Encinitas Chiropractor 

The approach to managing BPPV depends on various factors, including your age, overall health, and the underlying cause. Here are three commonly strategies our Encinitas Chiropractor often recommend to patients dealing with BPPV:

1. Taking Medications

While there's no single pill to “cure” BPPV, your healthcare provider may prescribe medications to alleviate specific symptoms. These may include painkillers, anti-inflammatory drugs, and medications to combat nausea.

2. Trying Canalith Repositioning Exercises

Canalith repositioning exercises, like the Epley maneuver, are often used to reposition displaced inner ear crystals. These exercises involve specific head and body movements and can be performed under professional guidance or at home. Consistent practice over several days can lead to significant improvements in BPPV symptoms.

3. Exploring Encinitas CA Chiropractic Care

Vertigo can sometimes result from neck misalignments, especially if you've had a neck injury like a car accident before experiencing vertigo. In such cases, upper cervical chiropractic care can be particularly effective. Precise and gentle Encinitas CA Chiropractic adjustments aim to correct neck misalignments, which may be triggering vertigo symptoms.

Chiropractor in Encinitas, Encinitas Chiropractor,

Book Your Appointment with a Dedicated Upper Cervical Chiropractor in Encinitas

While BPPV can be distressing, understanding its causes and available remedies can provide relief. Whether your BPPV resolves naturally or requires intervention, there are ways to manage and alleviate the symptoms. If you suspect that neck misalignment might be contributing to your vertigo, consider consulting our Upper Cervical Chiropractor in Encinitas, Dr. Steven Keener. We also strongly recommend exploring Encinitas CA Chiropractic Care if you have tried all sorts of techniques or procedures but have yet to see results. Who knows, a simple Upper Cervical Care regimen is all it would take to restore your balance and get back on track with your day-to-day activities.


To schedule a consultation with Dr. Keener, call our Encinitas office at 760-280-5460. You can also click the button below.

If you are outside of the local area, you can find an Upper Cervical Doctor near you at

Did you know that a remedy to your vertigo episodes may just be lying on your kitchen counter? Certain fruits are a great source of vitamins and nutrients that can help with vertigo. Find out which fruits to eat more of in order to gain back your health and get rid of vertigo! Our trusted chiropractor in Encinitas also recommends another method that’s all-natural and drug-free! Read on to learn more about it.

Please book a consultation with us here at K2 Health Center. Call us at 760-456-9470 or click the button below.

Are you worried about having a pinched nerve in the neck? Understandably, a compressed nerve in the neck can lead to a plethora of problems, like cervicogenic headaches. Find out what you can do to help the pinched nerve heal and restore the body's normal function. Our chiropractor in Encinitas tackles everything you need to know so you can cope better.

chiropractor in Encinitas, pinched nerve relief infographic

Please book a consultation with us here at K2 Health Center. Call us at 760-456-9470 or click the button below.

The pain caused by a pinched nerve can be so excruciating, sometimes to the point of being quite unbearable. To deal with a pinched nerve, you must understand its root cause and identify the specific nerve roots affected. This way, you can determine the best course of action to take so your compressed or pinched nerve tissue can heal and recuperate. Check out which areas of your body pinched nerves can occur! Our trusted chiropractor in Encinitas is here to help you free your nerves from the pressure through safe and natural means.

Please book a consultation with us here at K2 Health Center. Call us at 760-456-9470 or click the button below.

Pain that starts in one’s shoulders and spreads to the head and neck might stem from pinched levator scapulae. Learn about its causes and the available options for relief. Our trusted chiropractor in Encinitas has also shared a natural method to help the pinched nerve heal.

Please book an appointment with us here at K2 Health Center for a consultation. Call us at 760-456-9470 or click the button below.

There are millions of Americans that are getting pain-related surgeries every year.  In my opinion, most of those should never happen. We have become a country dependent upon quick fixes, pills for every ill, and many times the notion “if it hurts, cut it out/off”. 

A typical scenario plays out like this:  

Yes, there can be structural problems, as well as muscular issues, on top of neurological disorders.  The fact of the matter is simple. EVERYTHING IS CONNECTED.  All the “systems” of the body work together and are inseparable!  

It comes down to understanding the anatomy and physiology of the human body.  I hear everyday “it’s just muscular” or “there’s nothing that can be done, it’s bone on bone”.   There is no such thing as “just a muscle problem” or “just a structural problem”. Bones, joints, muscles, and ligaments are all connected.  If a muscle is tight it will pull on the bone, if a bone is misaligned it will pull on the muscle. THEY ARE CONNECTED! 

The system that ties it all together is the nervous system.  Muscles DO NOT act on their own.  I have to explain this to patients everyday - muscles contract only when the nervous system tells them to.   Typically muscular contraction occurs if you want to either MOVE your body or stabilize joints, and most of the time muscular contraction occurs without you consciously thinking about doing it ( think artery dilation, diaphragm for breathing, postural muscles, constriction/dilation of the eye, etc.).   Everybody understands that muscular contraction moves joints, but most don’t understand that muscles also contract to stabilize and protect joints from moving too far or moving at all (if injury is present).

Your Encinitas chiropractor often see in patients is the latter. They have so much bone/joint degeneration that the intelligent nervous system fires those muscles surrounding the joint and in essence “hugs” the joint to limit range of motion.  This in turn will help avoid further tissue damage and decrease pain levels. However, prolonged “hugging” of the joint will ultimately lead to more joint degeneration. WHAT? WHY? Joints need motion, full range of motion, to stay healthy! Short term lack of motion can be a useful part of the healing process, but long-term chronic decrease in range of motion leads to pain!

As you can see, this intricate relationship between the nervous system, bones, joints, and muscles is VERY COMPLEX.  There are entire books and textbooks written to explain this relationship. The fact of the matter is...if you’re experiencing joint pain, low back pain, neck pain, elbow pain, etc., you need to look at ALL the factors involved, not just X-Ray/MRI, physical exam, blood tests, or any other test performed.  It is imperative to assess the underlying cause and treat accordingly. Patients at K2 Health Center always receive thorough evaluations to see what combination of treatment is needed.    

In my opinion, one of the biggest problems in healthcare is the lack of integration.  Most patients present to me after having tried many therapies, but hardly ever have they tried several therapies all at one time, in the right order, for a long enough time frame.  Healing does not happen in one day. It takes time, effort, and consistency.

We offer a combination of diagnostic testing, massage therapy, chiropractic adjustments, muscular rehabilitation, corrective exercises, nutrition therapy, Cold Laser Therapy, and lifestyle changes.  Look for a chiropractor in Encinitas or search for chiropractors near me for a check up.

Optimal Health for Active Lifestyles

by Dr. John Kupper

We are excited to introduce you to our 1st newsletter from K2 Health Center!  Our goal is to provide you with useful and meaningful information to better your health and life.  We believe that knowledge is power, especially when it comes to your health. Far too often, we are seeing patients that are lost and beat down by all the medical jargon and confusion surrounding healthcare these days.  Most are told that they are sick because of BAD GERMS, BAD GENES, or just BAD LUCK. Your Encinitas chiropractor team are here to help inform you how your body is supposed to work. Our focus is to show you the natural, inborn intelligence that controls and regulates everything that happens with your body.  Despite being told that your genetics determines your destiny, we will fight through the fog and break through to a new understanding of health. Let us arm you with power, knowledge, and confidence. YOU determine your health destiny and in turn the way you live your life. The choices you make are a result of your belief system.  Whether it be about food, exercise, money, family, relationships - you name it we behave based on what we believe. We behave based on our perception of reality. We are here to burst the bubble surrounding logical health reasoning and physiologically centered healthcare! Thank you for reading!

Does Over-the-Counter Mean Safe?

A bothersome trend we are seeing increasingly is the use of NSAIDs.  Go ahead and open up your medicine cabinet and count how many NSAIDs (ibuprofen, aspirin, naproxen) you have in there.  The most common brand names we see include Aleve, Advil, Motrin, Excedrin, and Bayer. Or you can even take a stroll down to your local drug store and see dozens and dozens of pain relievers lining the shelves.  It has become commonplace in our culture to see these seemingly benign over-the-counter chemicals and most americans use them at record breaking levels.  

The key is, THEY ARE NOT BENIGN.  They are dangerous. Bulletproof evidence, with decades of data, shows that these abused drugs, even in small amounts, increase the risk of heart attack, stroke, internal bleeding, and gastro-intestinal disorders.  Not to mention the decrease in your body’s ability to grow new joint cartilage.  

FDA Releases Order to Change Warning Label for NSAIDs

The Food and Drug Administration recently (2015) announced that warning labels on NSAIDs will be strengthened.  The press release included the following:

PLEASE use these chemicals sparingly and responsibly.  In an article for the New York Times, Professor Bruce Lambert, director of the Center of Communication and Health at Northwestern University, explains that the data is now crystal clear and the evidence against these drugs “is now extremely solid”.  Lambert goes on to state, “ I don’t think we will ever see a study that says, ‘Oops, NSAIDs were safe after all.”


What we must remember is that NSAIDs were developed and approved in the 1950s  and have been sold over-the-counter for years. With all the extensive damage these medications have now caused, it is likely that if NSAIDs came out in 2019, they would be prescription only.  Not that it would drastically change the epidemic our country now faces in terms of pain medication abuse, but it would go a long way to limit the access and hopefully steer those seeking pain relief to more conservative treatment options.

For natural pain relief and anti-inflammatory action, your chiropractor in Encinitas typically recommend Omega-3 fatty acids (dosage will depend on blood labs testing) and Turmeric/Curcumin.  There are many others that are very effective and if used correctly, can make a big difference. 

Of course, getting to the root cause of pain is BY FAR the best course of action. Search for chiropractors near me or visit for more information.


FDA Drug Safety Communication: FDA strengthens warning that non-aspirin nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) can cause heart attacks or strokes, FDA, accessed 2016

Experts Urge Sparing Use of Nonaspirin Painkillers, The New York Times, July 13, 2015




K2 Health Center

317 N. El Camino Real Suite 110

Encinitas, CA 92024


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Talk with a doctor today to see how we can help!
We believe in the God-given intelligence that animates the living world.

We believe the body is a self-healing, self-regulating system -

when properly nourished, and when free from interference and toxins, the body’s default state is health.

We believe health is SIMPLE - maybe not all the time easy, but always simple.

Through integrity, education and chiropractic, we aim to help our patients build and maintain optimal health.
Dr. Steven Keener believes in the power that animates the living world, revering the body as an innately intelligent organism of health and wellness.

Through education and empowerment, Dr. K guides patients to embrace a belief system centered on principles of physiology, trusting in the cause and effect of natural law.

With an emphasis in cranio-cervical neurology, tailored care plans are expertly designed to optimize the body’s potential to thrive.
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317 N. El Camino Real #110 
Encinitas, CA 92024
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Monday & Thursday:

10am - 1pm | 3pm - 6pm

Tuesday & Wednesday:

8:30am - 11:30am | 1:30pm - 4:30pm

Friday, Saturday, Sunday:


2pm - 6pm
8:30am - 12:30pm
8:30am - 12pm and 2pm - 6pm
2pm - 6pm
8:30am - 12:30pm
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