Chiropractor in Encinitas, Encinitas Chiropractor,

Have you ever stepped off your surfboard in Encinitas only to feel the world keep spinning around you? Or perhaps you've woken up, turned your head on the pillow, and suddenly felt as if you're on a carousel? If these scenarios sound familiar, you might be among the many grappling with vertigo, particularly Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo (BPPV). This condition, affecting numerous people each year, can turn simple movements like nodding or rolling over in bed into a dizzying experience. It is also among the leading health concerns that patients complain about when they seek our Upper Cervical Chiropractor in Encinitas, Dr. Steven Keener.


What is BPPV? 

BPPV is characterized by sudden and intense vertigo spells, usually lasting one minute or less. Changing the position of your head, such as nodding, turning slightly, or lifting your chin, can bring on these debilitating episodes. Additionally, BPPV can occur when transitioning from lying down to sitting up or rolling over in bed. It often accompanies symptoms like nausea, dizziness, and abnormal eye movements, making it a profoundly disabling condition.

To learn more about the connection between head and neck injuries and vertigo, download our complimentary e-book by clicking the image below.

Why Do You Have BPPV?

BPPV typically indicates an issue in the inner ear, a crucial part of our balance and perception of movement. The inner ear contains tiny crystals that play a vital role in sensing motion during activities like walking, standing, or moving your head. When these crystals migrate to a different part of the inner ear, they disrupt the connection between the vestibular system and your brain, resulting in vertigo spells.


Can BPPV Go Away on Its Own?

Many people wonder if BPPV will resolve itself without intervention. In most cases, BPPV can disappear spontaneously, but the recovery timeline varies from person to person. According to research, BPPV can persist for days, weeks, months, or even years. If your BPPV resolves naturally, there's still a chance it may return.


Dealing with BPPV: Tips from Your Go-To Encinitas Chiropractor 

The approach to managing BPPV depends on various factors, including your age, overall health, and the underlying cause. Here are three commonly strategies our Encinitas Chiropractor often recommend to patients dealing with BPPV:

1. Taking Medications

While there's no single pill to “cure” BPPV, your healthcare provider may prescribe medications to alleviate specific symptoms. These may include painkillers, anti-inflammatory drugs, and medications to combat nausea.

2. Trying Canalith Repositioning Exercises

Canalith repositioning exercises, like the Epley maneuver, are often used to reposition displaced inner ear crystals. These exercises involve specific head and body movements and can be performed under professional guidance or at home. Consistent practice over several days can lead to significant improvements in BPPV symptoms.

3. Exploring Encinitas CA Chiropractic Care

Vertigo can sometimes result from neck misalignments, especially if you've had a neck injury like a car accident before experiencing vertigo. In such cases, upper cervical chiropractic care can be particularly effective. Precise and gentle Encinitas CA Chiropractic adjustments aim to correct neck misalignments, which may be triggering vertigo symptoms.

Chiropractor in Encinitas, Encinitas Chiropractor,

Book Your Appointment with a Dedicated Upper Cervical Chiropractor in Encinitas

While BPPV can be distressing, understanding its causes and available remedies can provide relief. Whether your BPPV resolves naturally or requires intervention, there are ways to manage and alleviate the symptoms. If you suspect that neck misalignment might be contributing to your vertigo, consider consulting our Upper Cervical Chiropractor in Encinitas, Dr. Steven Keener. We also strongly recommend exploring Encinitas CA Chiropractic Care if you have tried all sorts of techniques or procedures but have yet to see results. Who knows, a simple Upper Cervical Care regimen is all it would take to restore your balance and get back on track with your day-to-day activities.


To schedule a consultation with Dr. Keener, call our Encinitas office at 760-280-5460. You can also click the button below.

If you are outside of the local area, you can find an Upper Cervical Doctor near you at

Experience neck pain relief like never before with insights from your trusted Encinitas Chiropractor. Discover the vital role pillows play in ensuring a restful night's sleep while keeping your neck muscles relaxed, regardless of your sleeping position. Learn valuable tips for selecting the perfect pillow tailored to your needs, considering factors such as sleeping position, material breathability, and matching texture and firmness with your bed.

Encinitas chiropractor, neck pain relief infographic

Book your consultation with K2 Health Center today! Reach us at 760-456-9470 or click the button below to start your journey to a healthier, happier you. Sweet dreams await!

Knowing what triggers your vertigo is just the first step to managing it effectively, but the real challenge is coping with the symptoms so you can live a normal life. Fortunately, we've got eight ways to reduce the occurrence of vertigo that you can do within the comforts of your home. If you'd like a longer-lasting relief option that's been proven to be all-natural and effective, our Encinitas Chiropractor knows just what you need!

Encinitas chiropractor, vertigo relief infographic

Please book a consultation with us here at K2 Health Center. Call us at 760-280-5460 or click the button below.

There are millions of Americans that are getting pain-related surgeries every year.  In my opinion, most of those should never happen. We have become a country dependent upon quick fixes, pills for every ill, and many times the notion “if it hurts, cut it out/off”. 

A typical scenario plays out like this:  

Yes, there can be structural problems, as well as muscular issues, on top of neurological disorders.  The fact of the matter is simple. EVERYTHING IS CONNECTED.  All the “systems” of the body work together and are inseparable!  

It comes down to understanding the anatomy and physiology of the human body.  I hear everyday “it’s just muscular” or “there’s nothing that can be done, it’s bone on bone”.   There is no such thing as “just a muscle problem” or “just a structural problem”. Bones, joints, muscles, and ligaments are all connected.  If a muscle is tight it will pull on the bone, if a bone is misaligned it will pull on the muscle. THEY ARE CONNECTED! 

The system that ties it all together is the nervous system.  Muscles DO NOT act on their own.  I have to explain this to patients everyday - muscles contract only when the nervous system tells them to.   Typically muscular contraction occurs if you want to either MOVE your body or stabilize joints, and most of the time muscular contraction occurs without you consciously thinking about doing it ( think artery dilation, diaphragm for breathing, postural muscles, constriction/dilation of the eye, etc.).   Everybody understands that muscular contraction moves joints, but most don’t understand that muscles also contract to stabilize and protect joints from moving too far or moving at all (if injury is present).

Your Encinitas chiropractor often see in patients is the latter. They have so much bone/joint degeneration that the intelligent nervous system fires those muscles surrounding the joint and in essence “hugs” the joint to limit range of motion.  This in turn will help avoid further tissue damage and decrease pain levels. However, prolonged “hugging” of the joint will ultimately lead to more joint degeneration. WHAT? WHY? Joints need motion, full range of motion, to stay healthy! Short term lack of motion can be a useful part of the healing process, but long-term chronic decrease in range of motion leads to pain!

As you can see, this intricate relationship between the nervous system, bones, joints, and muscles is VERY COMPLEX.  There are entire books and textbooks written to explain this relationship. The fact of the matter is...if you’re experiencing joint pain, low back pain, neck pain, elbow pain, etc., you need to look at ALL the factors involved, not just X-Ray/MRI, physical exam, blood tests, or any other test performed.  It is imperative to assess the underlying cause and treat accordingly. Patients at K2 Health Center always receive thorough evaluations to see what combination of treatment is needed.    

In my opinion, one of the biggest problems in healthcare is the lack of integration.  Most patients present to me after having tried many therapies, but hardly ever have they tried several therapies all at one time, in the right order, for a long enough time frame.  Healing does not happen in one day. It takes time, effort, and consistency.

We offer a combination of diagnostic testing, massage therapy, chiropractic adjustments, muscular rehabilitation, corrective exercises, nutrition therapy, Cold Laser Therapy, and lifestyle changes.  Look for a chiropractor in Encinitas or search for chiropractors near me for a check up.

Optimal Health for Active Lifestyles

by Dr. John Kupper

We are excited to introduce you to our 1st newsletter from K2 Health Center!  Our goal is to provide you with useful and meaningful information to better your health and life.  We believe that knowledge is power, especially when it comes to your health. Far too often, we are seeing patients that are lost and beat down by all the medical jargon and confusion surrounding healthcare these days.  Most are told that they are sick because of BAD GERMS, BAD GENES, or just BAD LUCK. Your Encinitas chiropractor team are here to help inform you how your body is supposed to work. Our focus is to show you the natural, inborn intelligence that controls and regulates everything that happens with your body.  Despite being told that your genetics determines your destiny, we will fight through the fog and break through to a new understanding of health. Let us arm you with power, knowledge, and confidence. YOU determine your health destiny and in turn the way you live your life. The choices you make are a result of your belief system.  Whether it be about food, exercise, money, family, relationships - you name it we behave based on what we believe. We behave based on our perception of reality. We are here to burst the bubble surrounding logical health reasoning and physiologically centered healthcare! Thank you for reading!

Does Over-the-Counter Mean Safe?

A bothersome trend we are seeing increasingly is the use of NSAIDs.  Go ahead and open up your medicine cabinet and count how many NSAIDs (ibuprofen, aspirin, naproxen) you have in there.  The most common brand names we see include Aleve, Advil, Motrin, Excedrin, and Bayer. Or you can even take a stroll down to your local drug store and see dozens and dozens of pain relievers lining the shelves.  It has become commonplace in our culture to see these seemingly benign over-the-counter chemicals and most americans use them at record breaking levels.  

The key is, THEY ARE NOT BENIGN.  They are dangerous. Bulletproof evidence, with decades of data, shows that these abused drugs, even in small amounts, increase the risk of heart attack, stroke, internal bleeding, and gastro-intestinal disorders.  Not to mention the decrease in your body’s ability to grow new joint cartilage.  

FDA Releases Order to Change Warning Label for NSAIDs

The Food and Drug Administration recently (2015) announced that warning labels on NSAIDs will be strengthened.  The press release included the following:

PLEASE use these chemicals sparingly and responsibly.  In an article for the New York Times, Professor Bruce Lambert, director of the Center of Communication and Health at Northwestern University, explains that the data is now crystal clear and the evidence against these drugs “is now extremely solid”.  Lambert goes on to state, “ I don’t think we will ever see a study that says, ‘Oops, NSAIDs were safe after all.”


What we must remember is that NSAIDs were developed and approved in the 1950s  and have been sold over-the-counter for years. With all the extensive damage these medications have now caused, it is likely that if NSAIDs came out in 2019, they would be prescription only.  Not that it would drastically change the epidemic our country now faces in terms of pain medication abuse, but it would go a long way to limit the access and hopefully steer those seeking pain relief to more conservative treatment options.

For natural pain relief and anti-inflammatory action, your chiropractor in Encinitas typically recommend Omega-3 fatty acids (dosage will depend on blood labs testing) and Turmeric/Curcumin.  There are many others that are very effective and if used correctly, can make a big difference. 

Of course, getting to the root cause of pain is BY FAR the best course of action. Search for chiropractors near me or visit for more information.


FDA Drug Safety Communication: FDA strengthens warning that non-aspirin nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) can cause heart attacks or strokes, FDA, accessed 2016

Experts Urge Sparing Use of Nonaspirin Painkillers, The New York Times, July 13, 2015




K2 Health Center

317 N. El Camino Real Suite 110

Encinitas, CA 92024

What’s Up with Cholesterol?

by Dr. John Kupper - Chiropractor in Encinitas, CA


As a Chiropractor in Encinitas, I have always understood that the greatest way to go about being healthy is to first and foremost properly maintain the human body in order to prevent possible disease and illness.  As I have gone through nearly a decade of schooling covering health, wellness, disease, and treatment, it has occurred to me that “disease prevention” and “wellness” are difficult to practice.  The reason being that healthy people STAYING healthy and avoiding disease is very different than diagnosing and treating disease. Almost all of both medical school and chiropractic school is based on diagnosis and treatment of the condition diagnosed.  Nonetheless, although prevention and wellness is recognized across the board as being the “way to go”, it isn’t the easiest way to practice healthcare. It’s time-consuming, results are very hard to measure, and it take patience and perseverance - all things that modern day society don’t like to hear.

Therefore, unfortunately, a large majority of so called “healthcare” these days is geared toward diagnosing, treating, and curing versus wellness and prevention.  Dr. Bernard Lown said in his blog, “Diligent prevention, unfortunately, plays second fiddle to heroic cures.” That is exactly what we are seeing in healthcare today.  The money being spent on “healthcare” or “Sick-Care” rather, is based on the population actually being sick! If I was able to snap my fingers and magically make everyone perfectly healthy, what would that do the hospital industry? Pharmaceutical industry? The list could go on and on.  If there isn’t a disease or a symptom that can be suppressed or cured, then essentially with the way things are done... THERE IS NO PROBLEM.

That is especially the case when it comes to cholesterol and cholesterol lowering medications.  Now before I get into statin therapy and the risks vs. possible benefits lets first dive into the main issue of What is Cholesterol anyway?

Cholesterol is not inherently bad. It has been vilified as the major cause of heart disease.  The claim that it clogs our arteries is known world-wide, despite no scientific evidence to validate the theory.  I will no go too deep into what ACTUALLY causes heart disease but as a society we really need to retrain our doctors and clinicians to look at this cholesterol theory with a non-biased physiological eye.  If were completely evil, your liver wouldn't produce it (unbeknownst to many, your liver makes about three-quarters or more of your body's cholesterol—that's how important it is).

Cholesterol plays a key role in regulating protein pathways involved in cell signaling.  It is well known that cholesterol makes up a large part of your cell membranes, and new research suggests cholesterol interacts with proteins inside your cells, making it even MORE important. Remember: your body is composed of trillions of cells that absolutely need to communicate with one another.  Cortisol, your main anti-inflammatory hormone, is made of cholesterol! When there is stress (physical, chemical, or emotional) cortisol will be secreted in higher levels, thus demanding higher levels of cholesterol. Your brain contains roughly 25 percent of the cholesterol in your body. It is critical for synapse formation, i.e. the connections between your neurons, which allow you to think, learn new things, and form memories.

One of the biggest myths surrounding cholesterol is that high levels are caused by what you eat.  This is quite simply not true! The human liver is designed to remove excess cholesterol from your body.  Also, LDL “bad cholesterol” carries re-building nutrients to sites of tissue damage and inflammation. Meaning, wherever there is inflammation in your body, there will be higher levels of cholesterol needed, especially LDL.  Demands that will increase cholesterol requirements include stress, inflammation and elevated demands on insulin (high carbohydrate intake). The cholesterol levels in your body are determined by your environment, choose wisely. 

Further, eating nutritious cholesterol-rich foods is not something you should feel overly guilty about.  It is estimated that only 20 percent of your blood cholesterol levels come from your diet! So let’s get the REAL STORY...Cholesterol is one of the most powerful healing foods and molecules your body can ingest and produce.  The problem occurs during times of high stress, oxidation, and inflammation. The real key to not only reversing heart disease but also staying healthy in general is to put out the inflammatory fires, especially those that are chronic and happening due to poor lifestyle choices.

So let’s just be honest and get to the real facts of the story.  Cholesterol is NOT the enemy, chronic inflammation and tissue damage is the real enemy.  High LDL levels are a response to stress- physical, chemical, and emotional STRESS.  Stress causes a cascade of metabolic and cellular activity that REQUIRES there to be more cholesterol available.  It really is as SIMPLE AS THAT. Now zoning in on what those physical, chemical, and emotional stresses are in your life will be the most difficult part of the puzzle.  But just because it may be difficult DOES NOT mean that it isn’t worth it. Our bodies are not designed to have to require synthetic chemicals (drugs) to function optimally.  High LDL cholesterol levels are not caused by a deficiency of statin drugs. WHAT DOES cause high LDL cholesterol? In basic terms, you now know.

This article is by no means a complete review of the topic, but hopefully gives you a peek into how the human body ACTUALLY works.  Your body is not stupid, it is smart. It is capable of continuously adapting to the daily stresses that are put upon it. Your goal should be to identify and reduce the amount of negative stress put on your body.  In doing so, your body can spend more time healing and regenerating instead of focusing on putting out inflammatory fires. Remember that when you’re in a stressed state (“fight or flight”) your immune system is slower and weaker.  Reduce the STRESS and you will be a much healthier you! For more information visit us at or call us at (760) 456-9470.

Yours in Health,

Dr. John Kupper

Dr. Kupper is an Encinitas Chiropractor. He grew up in Southern California and has always been fascinated with how the body works and functions. He enjoys beach volleyball, basketball, and being by the ocean. He pursued a degree in Exercise Science from BYU and furthered his education by obtaining his Doctor of Chiropractic (D.C.) degree from the prestigious Life Chiropractic College West. He graduated with both academic and clinical honors. He is currently in the process of pursuing a masters in NeuroScience and becoming board certified in Functional Neurology and Neuro-behavioral Disorders of Childhood


Uemura K, Pisa Z. Trends in cardiovascular disease mortality in industrialized countries since 1950. World Health Stat Q. 1988;41(3-4):155-78. PMID: 3232406

CDC – Chronic Disease Overview Link Here

Ancel Keys and the lipid hypothesis: From early breakthroughs to current management of dyslipidemia Link Here

Ravnskov U. The fallacies of the lipid hypothesis. Scand Cardiovasc J. 2008 Aug;42(4):236-9. PMID: 18615352

Rosch PJ. Cholesterol does not cause coronary heart disease in contrast to stress. Scand Cardiovasc J. 2008 Aug;42(4):244-9. PMID: 18609060

Ravnskov U. A hypothesis out-of-date. the diet-heart idea. J Clin Epidemiol. 2002 Nov;55(11):1057-63. PMID: 12507667

Encinitas Chiropractor

By Dr. John Kupper, Encinitas Chiropractor

Astaxanthin - although it is difficult to pronounce, this powerful antioxidant has been touted by many of the top researchers in the world as quite possibly the most potent antioxidant nature has to offer!  Continuous research is suggesting that this form of algae has broad-spectrum, system-wide health benefits. So let’s learn how this supplement supports: joint and tendon health, skin health, eye and brain health, and cardiovascular health.  

It is derived from Haematococcus microalgae.  Astaxanthin is produced within the algae to protect itself from UV radiation and the harsh effects of the surrounding environment.    It is related to beta-carotene, lutein and canthaxanthin. However, what makes it unique is its molecular structure. Astaxanthin has deservedly been named “The King of Carotenoids”.  While you may not be completely familiar with carotenoids, most likely you have consumed them in the food you recently ate. Carotenoids are what gives many of the healthy foods you eat their color:  the lycopene in the red tomato, the beta-carotene in orange carrots, or the zeaxanthin and lutein in yellow corn. 

Astaxanthin is an antioxidant.  It is known to be over 500 times stronger power than vitamin E and 6,000 times more potent than vitamin C

Some key differences that set astaxanthin apart from other carotenoids and antioxidants include the following:



Every day in the Encinitas Chiropractor office I teach that it is not only what you put onto the skin to protect it, but more importantly what you put INTO it, and that is the strong point about astaxanthin.  Recent buzz with the rich and famous around natural astaxanthin has increased its profile. More and more people are learning what most dermatologists have long known; natural astaxanthin helps support the skin during long periods of UV light exposure.  Sunburns occur from excess skin oxidation. Ultraviolet like causes oxidation of skin cells and results in reddening. Excessive and repeated exposure to sunlight without the proper nutrients to support it causes skin aging: wrinkled, blotchy, thinned, darkened skin.  A recent study of the effects of astaxanthin, scientists took a group of people to see how much UV light was needed to cause a “sunburn”. The test group was given 4 mg of natural astaxanthin for 14 days. The results were that the group treated with astaxanthin increased the amount of time it took to redden the skin and cause excessive oxidation (Lorenz, 2002). 

Chiropractor Encinitas

Remember, the key to building and maintaining health is to stack the odds in your favor.  I commonly teach patients that they are not victims of bad luck, bad germs, or bad genes. I teach them that they have more control over their health outcomes than they are being lead to believe by mainstream healthcare.  The secret is to consistently provide your body with the nourishment it needs to continue to adapt, rebuild, and thrive. The human body seems to be designed to heal itself! In fact, your body happens to be the smartest doctor in the world.  I say, give it what it needs, avoid things that it doesn’t, and then GET OUT OF THE WAY! Astaxanthin is just another powerful tool your body will benefit from. The great Dr. James Chestnut put it perfectly when he said “Eat Well, Move Well, Think Well!”  

Take control of your health and be proactive.  True health comes from within and it will always be that way.  You can either accept it and use it to your advantage or you can struggle like most Americans with chronic degenerative diseases that in most cases can be prevented with proper lifestyle and dietary choices!  

Yours in health,

Dr. John Kupper, DC

Visit for more info


At K2 Health Center we provide our patients with an array of choices for all sorts of pain management. From upper cervical chiropractic, concussion options, alternatives to back surgery, neck pain headache and even cold laser therapy - we have several options. We strive to provide the most advanced chiropractic, massage, low-level laser therapy, nutrition, exercise therapy, and diagnostic services in and around the Encinitas area.  For a complimentary 15 min. Consultation, call/text the office today to set up an appointment. 760-456-9470

chiropractor in Encinitas

If you look deep enough and do even a basic search online you’ll learn that genetic diseases are much more complicated than most doctors will have you understand because there is an entirely new field of study called Epigenetics. If you ask a chiropractor in Encinitas, you’ll also find that genetics are being blamed far too often for the health problems we are facing.  If you’re not familiar with Epigenetics, don’t stress about it, but understand that it is changing the way researchers and scientists understand the effect of your lifestyle on your genes and genetic expression. Bruce Lipton’s, a well known researcher, has written many books on the topic.  Epigenetics focuses on the protein that surrounds our DNA which controls gene expression in your body. It is extremely important to understand that there is a difference between a gene and the expression of that gene. Various toxins in our food and environment as well as nutrient deficiencies can negatively affect these proteins causing an expression or suppression of a gene.

Dr. John Bergman recently phrased it well. He said.. So let’s assume the worst case scenario… you have a gene for a certain type of disease such as breast cancer which has been associated with the BRCA 1 and BRCA 2 genes. If you look at the statistics, does EVERY single person that has the gene develop breast cancer? Or do some of them do and some of them don’t?  What gives? The answer is Epigenetics! Even though you have these genes, your body can express or suppress these genes based on your environmental stimulus which either positively or negatively affects the proteins surrounding your DNA. The key is to limit your exposure to toxins and increase your exposure to nutrients to positively affect the protein that surrounds your DNA.  

It all boils down to what you CAN CONTROL!  You can control your lifestyle.  You can control what you put in your mouth.  You can control what you put on your body.  You can control how much sleep you get every night.  You have more control than what you are being told by western medicine.  You must begin to understand that there is a law of cause and effect. Every effect has a cause and every cause has an effect.  You are not sick because of bad luck, bad germs, or bad genes. You are sick because of toxicity and/or deficiency. Either you are not getting enough what you need (ie. nutrients, movement, stimulation) and/or you are getting too much of what you don’t need (ie. toxins, chemicals, improper movement).  The list of examples can go on for days, but I think you are starting to get the point.

Chiropractor near me

Artemis P. Simopoulos MD from the Center for Genetics, Nutrition, and Health said it well: “The health of the individual and population is determined by the interaction between their genetic endowment and a number of environmental factors.”  Dr. Dan Murphy has said “The human diet has had major changes in the past 150 years, yet the genetic profile has changed very little, if any, in the past 10,000 to 15,000 years.”

As an Encinitas Chiropractor, I urge you to take control of your own health and not fall victim to the philosophy and mentality of mainstream healthcare.  You are not a victim of bad luck, bad germs, and bad genes. Inside of your body resides the greatest doctor in the world! If you are looking for “ chiropractors near me,” I would suggest calling K2 Health Center at (760) 456-9470 for more information.

Dr. John Kupper, DC | K2 Health Center

Can a problem in your neck be contributing to your Migraine Headaches?

The most common misconception about Upper Cervical care is that it ONLY helps with back and neck pain.  Although the Encinitas chiropractor at K2 Health Center can certainly tackle problems like low back pain and neck pain headaches, these patients actually represent a small percentage of people that seek care at K2. Patients suffering from a wide range of conditions, including migraines, have had their health completely changed.  At K2, we recognize that the body is a self-healing and self-regulating organism controlled 100% by the central nervous system.  Understanding that basic fact can completely change the way one looks at the health of the body and more importantly how one chooses to treat health issues of the body.

chiropractor EncinitasThe Nervous System

The nervous system is the first organ system to form in the womb and everything else grows off of it.  It is also the only system in the body that DOES NOT regenerate like other systems do.  For example, red blood cells regenerate every 120 days, the skeletal system regenerates every 7 years.  Basically, you are born with a nervous system that can grow very easily but DOES NOT regenerate very well, thus it is of utmost importance to protect and preserve the master control system of the body, THE NERVOUS SYSTEM!

The nervous is housed completely in BONE.  The brain is inside the skull and the spinal cord runs down the middle of the spine.  Upper cervical care offered at K2 Health Center is based on the universal law of cause and effect.  For every effect or symptom, physical or mental, there MUST be a cause.  At K2, we focus on locating and removing interference to the central nervous system that results in health conditions.  Removing this interference allows the body to heal itself naturally without harmful drugs or risky surgeries.  An upper cervical correction is very gentle and controlled; there is no pulling, twisting, or cracking of the head.  This precise force allows the head, neck, and spine to return to proper position, thus removing the interference and restoring balance to the body.


If you are currently suffering from migraines, you already know very well the symptoms of pain, sensitivity to light and sound, nausea, and vomiting.  Some migraine sufferers even experience visual disturbances, numbness, tingling, clumsiness, or have difficulty communicating. Conventional treatments in the medical world consist of treating the symptoms with over-the-counter and prescription medications.  Unfortunately, drug therapy in NO WAY addresses the underlying cause at play.

Chiropractor near me

Studies show that over 80% of headaches in general stem from the cervical spine. It only makes sense to first assess this vital region and make corrections as needed.

Dr. Seymour Diamond, Executive Director of the National Headache Foundation, has announced that new imaging techniques now allow scientists to identify what they believe to be a cause of migraines: a malfunctioning brain stem.  When the brain stem, located near the top of the neck malfunctions, it increases the swelling of blood vessels surrounding the brain, setting up a chain reaction that results in a migraine headache.

Upper Cervical chiropractors receive extensive training and education in both upper cervical spine and the brain stem.  They use the latest technology to analyze and correct upper cervical misalignment and achieve predictable results that heal.  The goal of Upper Cervical is to correct spinal misalignment and to restore normal function to the brain stem and nervous system, thus correcting the cause of migraines instead of treating the symptoms.

If you live in the Encinitas area and you're searching for a "chiropractor near me" that specializes in migraines and Upper Cervical corrections give us a call at K2 Health Center (760) 456-9470.

Dr. John Kupper, DC

K2 Health Center

neck pain headacheThere is a famous saying that an ounce of prevention can be worth a pound of cure.  Nothing could be more true when it comes to the spine, especially the neck region.  We often use the phrase “ a pain in the neck” to refer to difficult circumstances, people, and situations, while not realizing that this phrase is accurately describing real neck pain!  It is true that some causes of neck pain  are more difficult than others to prevent.  On the other hand, there are many relatively easy things you can do to minimize your risk.  One significant place to concentrate on is to look at how you sleep and what effect this is having on neck pain.

One must remember that the upper neck is much more mobile than the rest of the spine.  This affords increased versatility and mobility, however, at the expense of stability. Little muscles and ligaments are solely in charge of maintaining proper alignment and structural integrity. Most people sleep an average of 5-8 hours per night.  Proper support of neutral spine position if absolutely crucial to both treating and preventing neck pain.

What is the best sleeping position for neck pain?  

Studies show that two sleeping positions are best for neck pain: on your side and on your back.  If you are a back-sleeper, rounded pillows are able to contour to the natural lordotic curvature of spine and help relieve tension of muscles, ligaments, and joints.  If you are a side-sleeper, keep your spine straight/neutral by utilizing a pillow that is higher under your neck than under your head.  Sleeping on your stomach can be done correctly but is not recommended.  Stomach sleeping puts abnormal stress on your spine and cause the neck to be rotated and put under additional stress. Understandably many people have sleeping position habits that are hard to break, plus not to mention that most people don’t wake up in the same position in which they fell asleep.  However, it is important to start the night off sleeping either on your back or on your side in a neutral spine position.

Remember that whatever pillow you choose to use, there will an adjustment period where you will need to get used to the new alignment.  This may result in increased soreness for a few days up to 2 weeks.  Neck pain typically doesn’t happen overnight and certainly will not be fixed overnight.  The key is to identify probable causes and rectify them!

How to Manage Your Neck Pain at Home

Ice – Cryotherapy can reduce swelling to an area that is inflamed.  It will also provide immediate pain relief and help essentially decrease the size of spinal nerve roots to create additional space.  Hold a cold pack or frozen bad up vegetables wrapped in a towel and place on your neck.  An accepted rule is 20 mins on (or until numb), 40 mins off and then repeat.  Be sure not to place ice directly on skin in order to avoid skin burn.

Neck Exercises – Gentle neck exercises can be a very effective tool to help loosen neck muscles.  You may want to consider lightly moving your neck up and down and then side to side.  Be careful not to over-extend you neck beyond its normal limits, as this is likely to cause damage.


When Should You See a Chiropractor for Neck Pain?

While there are very important things you can do at home to relieve neck pain, it imperative to know when it’s time to see a Doctor of Chiropractic for neck pain.  Chiropractors are specially trained to understand the physiology and biomechanics of the body, especially the cervical spine.  After a thorough assessment and X-Rays, the goal is to restore motion and alignment to the joints of the neck.  Drugs and surgery are not recommended until conservative natural measures are taken.  See your chiropractor for neck pain if….


In summary, if you are experiencing neck pain you must consider the pillow you are using, at home therapies you are utilizing, and also any underlying causes. For more information on neck pain from your Encinitas Chiropractor, visit our site at


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The phone consultation is FREE, and there is NO OBLIGATION to come into the office.
The best way to schedule an appointment is to use our online booking system, 
or send a text with your name and preferred appointment day(s) / time(s) to 760-280-5460.
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Talk with a doctor today to see how we can help!
We believe in the God-given intelligence that animates the living world.

We believe the body is a self-healing, self-regulating system -

when properly nourished, and when free from interference and toxins, the body’s default state is health.

We believe health is SIMPLE - maybe not all the time easy, but always simple.

Through integrity, education and chiropractic, we aim to help our patients build and maintain optimal health.
Dr. Steven Keener believes in the power that animates the living world, revering the body as an innately intelligent organism of health and wellness.

Through education and empowerment, Dr. K guides patients to embrace a belief system centered on principles of physiology, trusting in the cause and effect of natural law.

With an emphasis in cranio-cervical neurology, tailored care plans are expertly designed to optimize the body’s potential to thrive.
Contact Us
317 N. El Camino Real #110 
Encinitas, CA 92024
Office Hours

Monday & Thursday:

10am - 1pm | 3pm - 6pm

Tuesday & Wednesday:

8:30am - 11:30am | 1:30pm - 4:30pm

Friday, Saturday, Sunday:


2pm - 6pm
8:30am - 12:30pm
8:30am - 12pm and 2pm - 6pm
2pm - 6pm
8:30am - 12:30pm
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