Why Upper Cervical

Neck pain? Headaches? Vertigo? 
It all starts at the top!

Any basic anatomy lesson would explain that the brain tells the body what to do.

The brain is the master control system of the body. The spinal cord is the main network along which signals travel to every single tissue, cell, and organ in the body. The doorway from the brain to the rest of the body is through the spine’s very top vertebra, which is called the Atlas. If the Atlas is misaligned or fixated in a certain position, the pathway from brain to body can be disrupted. This can disrupt nerve flow and ultimately contribute to a wide range of health issues and symptoms such as neck pain and headaches.

Atlas Orthogonal (orthogonal is from the Greek for “right angled”) is a very gentle and extremely precise procedure for getting your Atlas—and the rest of your system—back into alignment and moving correctly. Clear communication is restored between the brain and the body resulting in an increased ability to heal. Upper Cervical Chiropractic is the key to restoring this vital connection.

Our Approach is Objective and Accurate

Touch can only tell us so much. We rely on very specific testing and technology to give us a full picture of your condition and state of the upper cervical spine. We begin with a non-invasive postural exam and a muscular/neurological exam. If we determine there is a misalignment contributing to your current condition, we take highly specific 3-D x-rays of the upper cervical (neck) area, to measure mis-alignments down to the 1/100th of a degree.
Our 3-dimensional digital x-rays provide us with a clear image of your upper cervical spine. A computer analysis of these x-rays provide the most accurate assessment of the spinal misalignment.

Our Approach is Precise

Information derived from X-rays are mathematically calibrated into the Atlas Orthogonal instrument. Our analysis allow us to calculate precise mathematical coordinates, to within 0.25 degrees of accuracy, to set our adjusting instrument for your anatomy and your specific misalignment.
With Upper Cervical Chiropractic, there is no guesswork; our technique is precisely calculated and personalized for every individual.

Our Approach is Long-Term

Upper Cervical Chiropractic has proven to be extremely effective in providing longer-lasting corrections. We find that precise adjustments tend to hold much better than general adjustments; healing happens while you are holding your alignment.
You will likely find that you will need fewer clinic visits, as well. With traditional chiropractic, multiple segments in the spine are routinely adjusted every visit. Most manual chiropractors will give on average five manipulations per visit, and with some techniques, that number is over 20. Advanced Orthogonal chiropractors are able to do more with less. Why? Because spinal muscles as well as the critical organs are controlled and coordinated from the brainstem area; patients often obtain lasting changes throughout their entire spine after precision correction of the Atlas. We also offer low level laser therapy or cold laser therapy to aide in your healing and recovery.

What is Upper Cervical Chiropractic Care?

What is a Subluxation?

What is Brain to Body Communication?

What is the Nervous System?

What is Body Imbalance?

Why Do I Need X-rays?

What is Retracing?

Why is Holding Your Upper Cervical Correction so Important?

What is the Experience of Visiting an Upper Cervical Chiropractor's Office?

What to Expect After Your First Upper Cervical Correction/Adjustment?

How Long Does it Take to Start Feeling Better?

Who Can Benefit from Upper Cervical Chiropractic Care?

What About Surgery?

Why Have I Not Heard More About Upper Cervical Chiropractic?

Why is Upper Cervical Chiropractic a New Approach to Health Care?

Why is Upper Cervical Chiropractic the Best Kept Secret in Health Care?

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The phone consultation is FREE, and there is NO OBLIGATION to come into the office.
The best way to schedule an appointment is to use our online booking system, 
or send a text with your name and preferred appointment day(s) / time(s) to 760-456-9470.
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Talk with a doctor today to see how we can help!
We believe in the God-given intelligence that animates the living world.

We believe the body is a self-healing, self-regulating system -

when properly nourished, and when free from interference and toxins, the body’s default state is health.

We believe health is SIMPLE - maybe not all the time easy, but always simple.

Through integrity, education and chiropractic, we aim to help our patients build and maintain optimal health.
Dr. Steven Keener believes in the power that animates the living world, revering the body as an innately intelligent organism of health and wellness.

Through education and empowerment, Dr. K guides patients to embrace a belief system centered on principles of physiology, trusting in the cause and effect of natural law.

With an emphasis in cranio-cervical neurology, tailored care plans are expertly designed to optimize the body’s potential to thrive.
Contact Us
317 N. El Camino Real #110 
Encinitas, CA 92024
Office Hours

Monday & Thursday:

10am - 1pm | 3pm - 6pm

Tuesday & Wednesday:

8:30am - 11:30am | 1:30pm - 4:30pm

Friday, Saturday, Sunday:


2pm - 6pm
8:30am - 12:30pm
8:30am - 12pm and 2pm - 6pm
2pm - 6pm
8:30am - 12:30pm
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